Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Dawn of Nations (20 October 2009)

Andrew Rea invited me to a lunch time play test of a prototype print and play dice game designed by a couple of his friends. It turned out to be a simple yet interesting dice game called "Dawn of Nations".

There were six of us and enough dice for each of us to have our own set of dice - each a different colour, which is a nice touch.

To play, choose one of 5 areas initially (2 others have pre-req's) and roll 3 dice, do re-rolls. Areas include War (roll off against another player), Trade (offer a player one of your dice), Favour of the Gods (try to beat the highest favour so far), Developments (gain an advantage).

It plays quick and contains a mix of strategic and tactical decisions. We gave the designers some feedback. Particularly on Favour of the Gods.

Then we broke into two groups of 3 and played again. Trade became a lot more tactical with 3 players with no-one keen on giving someone else the third Trade value.

This works as a print-and-play game in that it uses normal dice (a minimum of 3), some printed off bits of paper and pen or pencil. It made me think of Roll Through the Ages, while the theme is similar, the use of dice is different and there is more player interaction.

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