Saturday, 10 October 2009

Friday 9 October 2009

Despite (or perhaps in Brandon's case, because of) the weather there were six of us.

We started by Brandon teaching Alhambra to Anna, Andrew and Melissa. There is always a danger in teaching Anna new games and this was no exception. I lead off with a pair of walled gardens in the first scoring round while Brandon spurned the idea of scoring. By the second scoring round Anna's Manors, Mezzanines and Chambers put her into a lead which she extended in the final scoring. The rest of us jostled for the other places.

Anna 95
Andrew 76
Ian 67
Melissa 63
Brandon 62
Anne 35

Melissa was attracted by the prettiness of Elfenland, while Brandon bemoaned my lack of the Elfengold expansion. Anne started anticlockwise while the rest of us went clockwise. Brandon and Melissa picking up 7 tokens each in the first round, while due to Brandon's obstacle, I only picked up 3. Brandon and Melissa started the last round with 17 tokens while Melissa's final 3 were scattered around the board, Brandon's were grouped close to his boot - marking him as the target for a couple of obstacles. I improved from round to round picking up 4, then 5 and then 6 accompanied by Brandon chanting "Beware the yellow boot".

Melissa 18
Ian 18
Brandon 17
Anna 17
Andrew 15
Anne 15

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