Saturday, 23 July 2011

Friday 22 July 2011

Age of Steam: Korea
My second play of the Korea board. There seemed to be plenty of goods to go around, though the planning is slow due to the need to take into account the changing destination colours as cubes are moved out of cities. Two important points about the Korea expansion are:
  • firstly cities have no colour (even New Cities), they are destinations for the cubes they contain,
  • secondly New Cities arrive on the board pre-populated with 2 cubes from the Goods Display (which are immediately replaced).

John, Anne and Andrew started around Seoul and that area emptied of cubes almost immediately. Nigel started to the south of the others and I started in Busan (in the south western corner). As John and I joined Nigel, the area south of Seoul also emptied out. Andrew built north and Anne west. The cube shortage was intermittent, until the last turn when most of the board was empty (except one blue and red in each city in the south west - damn US troops).

I led on the share track until I cut back on shares, track building and bidding for turn order (I still had plenty of cubes). I remained on the old 4 link train technology while others had moved onto 5 links (which cost me in the final turn). Nigel issued far fewer shares than anyone else. John and I were neck and neck on the income track but he had fewer shares. On the last turn I lost a point in track due to John's hint to Nigel and another 2 points due to Anne's Urbanisation.
John B   66
Nigel 63
Ian 62
Anne 54
Andrew P 53

Frank's Zoo
We finished the evening with a few hands of Frank's Zoo. Nigel claimed this was the first 4 player game he had played and certainly the number of triples around the table caught some of us by surprise. The hedgehogs loved John.
Nigel   3  9 11 17
Anne -1 2 9 13
Ian 3 2 4 7
John B 5 7 6 5

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