This week we managed to start while we waited for the late comers. In the second hand Carl took Andrew Parr's place. Each hand is scored separately below.
Ian 6 8Once Nigel and John had arrived we abandoned Frank's Zoo and split into two groups.
Anna 4 3
Andrew H 1 2
Anne 3 -2
Sharon 1 3
Andrew P 7 -
Carl - 5
Glory to Rome
This time Anna came first, followed by Carl, then Andrew H and Nigel last. Meanwhile...
Sharon (mass producing B-movies) was starting on her 6th film before I finished my first film! But on the other hand I finished all of my movies by the penultimate party and cruised to the finish (to collect 35 points worth of awards).
Ian 86
Sharon 67
Andrew P 64
John B 56
Anne 52
Carl had brought along a bag of games including this nasty little card game.
Andrew H 32
Carl 19
Anna 18
Nigel 15
I felt that I got stuck with too many purple cards and ended up in only 3 cities! I think we were all a bit tired and didn't concentrate enough to make the best of this game. It is also one of those games that you get more control with fewer players (so might be best with 3 players).
John B 37 (played fewer bits which is the tie-breaker)
Andrew P 37
Ian 32
Sharon 29
Anne 15
No Thanks!
There was a massive spread of scores in this game!! (Remember low score is good)
Andrew H 3
Anna 18
Carl 47
Nigel 80
Modern Art
Nigel did OK despite some excessive bids, like paying more for a card than it could possibly be worth. At first glance it looks like you shouldn't pay more than 50% of the expected value of a piece of art but this isn't true (as explained here).
I did badly as usual.
Andrew P $384
Andrew H $370
Nigel $361
Anna $345
Ian $273
We couldn't finish the evening without the obligatory Tichu game. This time Carl and John versus Sharon and Anne. The boys clawed themselves back into the game.
1. 0 300
2. 0 500
3. 150 550
4. 195 505
5. 295 505
6. 265 535
7. 335 565
8. 515 585
9. 715 585
10. 765 635
11. 840 760
12. 1000 700
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