Sunday, 29 January 2006

Train games at Lance's place (1856 & Railroad Tycoon)


Jarratt found a problem in the spreadsheet while working out of the final
standings at this weekends game of 1856, he checked the spreadsheet of
the first game to see if the error existed, and it did.

The original scores were as follows :-
Jarratt - $5007 cash + $5400 shares = $10407
Lance - $5981 cash + $4100 shares = $10081
John - $5419 cash + $3675 shares = $9094
Anne - $4949 cash + $2150 shares = $7099
Ian - $4343 cash + $1425 shares = $5768

New updated proper scores :-
Lance - $5981 cash + $5450 shares = $11431
Jarratt - $5007 cash + $5950 shares = $10957
Anne - $4949 cash + $4750 shares = $9699
John - $5419 cash + $3875 shares = $9294
Ian - $4343 cash + $4875 shares = $9218

[ some mysterious other scores
Jarratt 2640 + 2367 = 10407
Lance 3194 + 2708 = 10002
John 3840 + 1579 = 9094
Anne 3218 + 1415 = 6783
Ian 2686 + 1262 = 5373

Railroad Tycoon

Anne 44
Ian 43
Andrew 40
John 39
Rob 37
Lance 33
Peter 33

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