Sunday, 1 January 2006

Antike (possibly early 2006)

There were eleven of us to start and Lance put his game of Antike on the table, so we split into six for Antike and five on the other table (where they played Taj Mahal). Antike is a civilization game that claims to play in two hours. It has a simple turn structure that consists of taking a coin (a sort of wild card resource), choosing one of 3 free actions or paying one or more resources to choose other actions. Finally there is an optional city building step. The actions include three resource collection actions, three corresponding spend resource actions and two identical movement actions. The resources are: iron which convert to military units, marble which convert to temples and gold which convert to technological advances. Points are gained from city building, temple building, sea control, being the first to gain each technological advance and destruction of temples.

Lance 7
Ian 5
Andrew 5
Nigel 5
John R 3
Eugene 2

Editor's note: I found this session report in an undated file. I'm note sure when this game was played, I'm guessing 2006)

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