Again it was a close game between Anne and Anna with Anna winning and Nigel a long way behind.
This was possibly the slowest game of Metropolys ever. I got my first three pieces down and everyone (correctly) thought I was after statues. Andrew then got 6 pieces down in a rush and appeared to be after gold neighbourhoods. Finally John got some pieces down, I got one more, and still Carl hadn't played anything but seemed to favour red. Once Carl got under way he got all his small pieces down and scared John into taking back the lead. Andrew and I were in weak positions at this point and Carl and John pretty much dictated the rest of the game. The scores were close though.
John B 27
Ian 25
Andrew 23
Carl 23
Scotland Yard
John went home and we were 6. Unable to decide on 3 player games we tried this as a six player game.
I was Mr X. I made a mistake on my first move that I didn't notice until after the game but I don't think it made any difference as I was easily cornered after my second reveal and was caught just before the 3rd reveal.
Anne was bored because she was in the wrong part of the board and was accidentally blocked by Nigel from getting back into the play. Andrew and Carl who grew up with the game were in their element.
Psychologically it is an interesting game. The person playing Mr X feels claustrophobic seeing how close the detectives are to catching him, while the detectives seeing heaps of empty space see their task as impossible.
Frank's Zoo
Andrew warned us against 6 player Frank's Zoo and while it is OK the fewer cards and more players playing before your turn mean less control. The bigger range of scoring favours getting out early above getting lions and hedgehogs.
Anna dominated each hand which probably means there is still skill in the 6 player game.
Anna 7 14 19 25
Anne 5 8 13 19
Andrew 2 7 11 18
Carl 4 6 7 9
Ian 4 2 5 4
Nigel -1 1 0 1
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