Monday, 7 March 2011

Friday 4 March 2011

On Wednesday night, Jarratt was keen on playing Tichu again, so I taught Andrew. We played with Anne and I versus Jarratt and Andrew. They got off to a good start with a Tichu 1-2. This was a portent of how the game was to go as we spent much of the time with a negative score. Finally we had a success but it was too little, too late. All very embarrassing.
1. 0 300 Jarratt's Tichu 1-2
2. -90 390 Anne fails Tichu
3. -55 455
4. 15 485
5. -60 560 Anne fails Tichu
6. 50 650 Ian's low scoring Tichu
7. 55 745
8. 55 945 Andrew & Jarratt 1-2 again
9. 180 1020 Anne's Tichu

On Friday night, Jarratt and Andrew were both keen on playing Tichu again. Anne and I agreed (we had to avenge defeat on Wednesday) on the understanding that we would stop if Nigel (or someone else) showed up.

We got off to a good start with a Tichu 1-2 but then things went into a holding patten on our side of the score sheet while Jarratt practiced his Tichu 1-2s. Then Andrew got in on the act. It was an evening of freaky hands. Including a hand where I had 6 consecutive pairs (which Jarratt bombed).


1. 300 0 Anne's Tichu 1-2
2. 375 25
3. 375 325 Jarratt's Tichu 1-2
4. 375 625 ditto
5. 285 715 Ian fails Tichu
6. 365 635 Andrew fails Tichu
7. 365 935 Andrew's Tichu 1-2
8. 460 940
9. 460 1140 Andrew & Jarratt 1-2

Louis XIV
There are far more 4 player games in my collection than games for any other number and that number is swelled by the 5 and 6 player games that are better for 4 than for 5 or 6. After a lot of suggestions we settled on Louis XIV.

Anne tried my usual pro-shield strategy while I tried the more orthodox get-lots-of-missions strategy. Anne did better than I did, while Jarratt did better than anyone. Anne and I got 6 missions, Andrew got 7 and Jarratt got 8. There were an unusual number of draws for most shields of a type.

Jarratt 54
Anne 49
Andrew 45
Ian 42

10 Days in Europe
Looking for something quick to finish the evening we encouraged Jarratt to play this frustrating game. I won the first 2 games (though Andrew was very close in game 2) and Anne won the third game.

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