Saturday, 10 April 2010

Friday 9 April 2010

Seven of us split into a group of three and a group of four. Our first two games of the evening were Sylla and Attika.

It's been a few months since we last played Sylla but we picked it up easily enough. Nigel ignored the events (including Legionnaires and Vestal Virgins) and concentrated on building and collecting money. Travis and Nigel were Console twice each. Travis ignored money while he and I concentrated on collecting tokens and controlling the events to our advantage and to hurt Nigel (we managed to close all 3 or 4 of his market booths). Nigel collected slaves for building and Christians by accident and ended up with 4 freed slaves and 6 Christians for 24 points, but had very few tokens! Equally accidentally I had very few Christians.

Travis 69
Nigel 64
Ian 63

There was a remarkably close finished despite Andrew having fewer tiles on the board at half time. Everyone finished in the same round by getting all their tile built. Anna first then John B then Andrew and Anne. Anne was one card short of winning.

Sylla was only about halfway through at this stage, so Attila was followed by "On the Underground"

On the Underground
John successfully emulated Nigel's strategy of locking up the North West corner of the board, while Anna built a loop. Anne's initial lead failed to put her among the place getters.

John B 53
Anna 50
Andrew 42
Anne 33

Then Travis and John went home and we pulled out a couple of card games

By half way through the game most of the piles were looking depressingly red, but in fact only Nigel ended up negative.

Anna 12
Ian 10
Andrew 7
Anne 4
Nigel -12

No Thanks!
The deck wasn't very shuffled, which was a great advantage to Anna, she would have won except she got cold feet and took a 27 she didn't need to.

Nigel 11
Anne 18
Anna 21
Ian 23
Andrew 31
(remember low scores are good)

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