Saturday, 6 March 2010

Friday 5 March 2010

Andrew Rae had asked me to play test Dawn of Nations v0.2 so while we were waiting for the last people to turn up I put Dawn of Nations sheets on the table. I didn't teach the game, just let people read the rules themselves (the consequent quiet period felt strange). There were six of us to start with and John arrived and joined in during the second round -- which didn't put him at a significant disadvantage. Most people picked up on the rules without trouble. One had trouble with remembering to declare a goal before throwing. And there were a couple of questions that were answered by other players using info on the play sheet.

Having tried the War Divine-Favour Decline-and-Fall strategy last time I wanted to try the Exploration Trade Wonder-of-the-World strategy. I assumed that Trade would work better with more players. As it turns out my dice throwing was sub-par.

It seemed to scale up to seven as well as could be expected. Because Trade and War are popular and are interactive the down time is less significant than other seven player games.

Nasia was the only person to try for Divine Favour (unsuccessfully) and Anne was the only person to try to finish the game by finishing the Wonder of the World over 3 turns.

People were reluctant to talk about it afterwards except to say that it was a good filler.
Nigel  82 (mostly War with some Trade and Technology)
Anne 78 (mostly Exploration with Trade and the Wonder)
John B 78 (mostly War, Exploration and Trade)
Andrew 76 (mostly War with some Exploration)
Nasia 66 (mostly War with some Exploration)
Anna 66 (mostly War and Exploration)
Ian 52 (mostly Trade with some Exploration and Technology)

Then we split into two groups. Nasia taught her new game of Dungeon Lords to Nigel and John. This looked cute but bitsy. John won. I can't say much about it as I was busy playing Tichu at the other end of the table.

This time it was Anna and I against Anne and Andrew. They called and failed Tichu twice while we called and made Tichu seven times. Nobody called Grand Tichu and nobody made a 1-2. There were three bombs, including 2 six card straights, in one hand (#4 I think)!
Ian & Anna  Anne & Andrew
1) 205 T -5
2) T 320 80
3) T 410 190
4) 550 T 150 T(failed)
5) 690 T 210
6) 705 295
7) T 870 330
8) 940 260 T(failed)
9) 1095 T 305

The other game was still going, so we played Frank's Zoo.
Andrew Anna Anne Ian
1) 1 5 -1 7
2) 6 6 2 9
3) 13 10 5 8
4) 18 14 4 11

We terminated Frank's Zoo slightly early because Dungeon Lords finally finished. We then decided on our last two games of the evening. At one end of the table John, Andrew and I played Metropolys. I mis-read what both of the others were going for while they picked my statue fetish up early on. The initiative swapped back and forth between us but John finished the game.
John B 36
Ian 35
Andrew 15

At the other end of the table they played Buccaneer and Anne tells me Nigel hogged big stacks which proved expensive and Anna got the best of the tokens.
Anna  99
Anne 87
Nasia 81
Nigel 78

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