Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Friday 5 February 2010

It was a rare hot, calm summer evening in Wellington with the sounds of a party at Wellington Girls Collage drowning out the sounds of the Sevens at Westpac Stadium and people were more comfortable on the deck than inside. So we took the dining table out onto deck and played until the fireworks went off at the stadium. Though we did have a break mid-evening to eat Nigel's vegan apple crumble.

At the far end of the table John B and Travis beat me at Sylla while the near end Anna won El Grande.

It was the first time for everyone at Sylla and we were not sure what stuff was worth. John hovered on zero for much of the game though he was grabbing more tokens than Travis and I. I found that the game reminded me a little bit of In the Year of the Dragon as you are constantly planning for negative events (and you recruit character cards), though there is more interaction in Sylla than In the Year of the Dragon.

John B 69
Travis 53
Ian 52

In El Grande the others were so eager to get inside that they had packed up the scoring pieces before Anne got back outside with my note book! So these scores are reconstructed from memory

Anna 95
Nigel 88
Anne 86
Andrew 72

To be honest it was getting a bit chilly to be playing board games outside once it got dark, but I think that the following evening was a lot warmer, proving that once in awhile Wellington can turn on nice summer evenings.

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