Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Planet Steam (20 May 2009)

We played Planet Steam and were very poor all game, with low prices for goods.  Lance and I came bottom equal.

John R  644
Brandon 636
Lance   583
Ian     583

It is long and has lots of number crunching. It also felt a bit like trying to think through some game theory type problems (like deciding whether other people will sell or not). On the whole it was better than I was expecting, but my expectations were low (I knew about the length and the number crunching aspect). May be it is too early to judge but the game felt a bit narrow to me (narrow in terms of viable choices and interesting things to do). But I wasn't bored. I liked the market mechanism, even if it was a bit fiddly.  It is a better market than Power Grid and much better than Cuba's.  The manipulations remind me of Gigantum, even though it works completely differently.

Overall I would say Power Grid and Age of Steam more fun.  Which reminds me I need to re-rate a bunch of games on BGG.

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