Sunday, 30 April 2006

Aton at home - 29 April

Anne and I played 5 games of Aton tonight (Anne's first games and my second to sixth games).
  1. I won with a points victory
  2. I changed strategy and won with a first temple victory
  3. Anne went for a first temple victory and I went for a 4th temple victory. I gave away lots of points and got very close but Anne got closer and filled her temple
  4. I went for a first temple victory but won on points
  5. I won on points
We settled pretty early on into a predictable distribution of cards. Both playing high on the first cartouche. Usually low on the third. I tended to play higher on the second than the fourth but Anne often choose to do the reverse. The black squares were highly sort after, usually more highly sort after than a temple majority.

Neither of us tried for a green or yellow victory. On reflection both of us think that a yellow or green victory is the hardest type. There are 14 green (or yellow) squares to occupy (compared with 12 in a temple), no guarantee of points while you are doing it and it is easy to spot and counter.

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